A Prayer for God's Goodness & Mercy to Lead Us Home

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
forever. (Psalm 23:6).

Lord, our Good Shepherd,

As we wake to each day, another new day of in the reality of COVID-19, another day we’re home with our families or alone, another day we follow the news and hear the numbers and go about our business, how good it is to know that You are with us, calming our fears and providing what we need.

Surely Your goodness and mercy follows us. You are good, and incredibly good to us! Help us to see ways You are good to us, and help us to counter the bad we see in our lives and around us with that awareness of and rejoicing for your goodness. You are full of mercy for us; You do not treat us as our sins deserve, but as we trust in Jesus’ death our place, we are treated as He deserves: we have life, we are welcome and made at home in Your presence.

Lord, we look forward to being home in Your house forever, spending all our days fully satisfied, fully at rest, fully safe in Your presence. Lord Jesus, You are preparing that place for us, and You will come back soon to bring us home with You (John 14:1-3). Come, Lord Jesus, come! Come, bring us home. In the meantime, as we spend these days in our earthly homes, we thank You for the peace You give, even in these times of unrest.

Keep our eyes fixed on You as we go through each day;
Remind us of your goodness and mercy.
By your goodness and mercy,
Your amazing grace,
Lead us home, home to You,
And give us rest along the way.

We pray this in Jesus’ name,