A Prayer of Thanks to the God Who Provides

“You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5).

Lord, our Good Shepherd, our Perfect Father,

As we face the enemy of COVID-19, as we face the enemy of fear and anxiety surrounding it in these times, as only essential businesses are staying open and we have to stay home as much as we can, we might wonder how we’ll have what we need, how long we’ll be able to go on like this. And yet, from the three square meals to the hope and peace for each day, we thank You. For ways that we unexpectedly need provision and You do provide, we thank You. Help us to trust You. Help us to see You at work in our lives even more clearly.

You anoint us with oil and fill us up so much that our cup overflows, we have all that we need and more. Even when we sense our need greatly, we look to You, and see how You have already been so good to us in so many ways that we don’t deserve - we can’t help but be grateful. So Lord, we bring our need to You; we bring the needs of others to you. (Pause here to pray for specific needs of your own or others, thankful that God delights to care for His own).

So Lord, we rejoice.
We remember what You have done, and we rejoice.
We are confident that You will still provide, and we rejoice.
We see You with us, and we rejoice.
We are thankful, and so we rejoice greatly.

Thank You,
In Jesus’ name,