Rev. Dr. Alexander Scott

Pastor Alec joined Kingsboro Baptist Church in June of 2015 as Pastor of Families and Worship, and became lead pastor in 2017. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Crandall University, a Master of Divinity from Acadia Divinity College, and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. As well, he holds a certificate in Biblical Counseling from CCEF and is a Certified Christian Trauma Care Provider.

Alec is married to MaryEllen, and they have two incredible daughters, AdaRose and Stevie Joy. In his spare time, Alec enjoys cross-country skiing with his wife, curling, and cooking. (He also enjoys three point alliteration).


-Sandra Ching

-Linda Elliott

-Arie Hoogerbrugge

-Allison Rose

Woneta Fraser

Everything. She keeps the church running smoothly and safely. She can be reached at