Youth Groups
Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
As our youth and children meet on Tuesday evenings, we will split the group into two groups: Grades 2-6 and Grades 7 and up. They will meet in different areas of the church.
Youth and Kids will play fun games, enjoy snacks, and learn about knowing, loving, and following Jesus through different studies. All are welcome!
Sunday Morning Kids Ministries
During our Sunday morning worship service, we classes for children of various ages:
-Grades K-6 - Encounter Kids in the Youth Room. This will begin at 10:30am, so children will go there before the service starts.
-Grades 7-12 - New City Catechism in the Parlour. This will start about 15 minutes into the service, so youth will attend the beginning of the worship service and be dismissed partway through.
The nursery is available for babies and toddlers. There will be an adult in the nursery during the service.