There are a variety of ways to become involved in the life of our church, serving and volunteering in various activities. If you are interested in any of the following, please contact Pastor Alec. (Click + to expand details)

  • Even if you’ve never done this before, if you enjoy spending time with kids, we would love to have you join us. It’s great for kids to see a variety of adults from their church who are interested in their lives. Please speak to Alec, Janice, or Jennifer if you are interested.

    It is nice to have a snack to offer the kids during our time together. If you would be willing to help out by providing some items for snacks, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer. Snack shouldn’t be anything complicated. Some suggestions might be granola bars or other packaged treats, fruit, lemonade or juice/juice boxes, hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn or even ice cream treats. Items can be left in the kitchen on Sunday or Monday. Thanks in advance to all who will help in this way.

  • We are planning to have a rotation of people be present in the nursery to care for toddlers and infants during our Sunday morning worship services. If you love children and would like to be in the nursery on roughly a monthly basis, please consider taking part.

  • We pack Kits every 6-8 weeks and deliver them to Souris Regional School weekly. Many hands makes light work!

    If you would like to donate, you can either donate cash or the following items:
    -Canned soup (chicken noodle and vegetable)
    -Kraft Dinner
    -Pudding Packs
    -Cracker Packs
    -Individual boxes of raisens or fruit to go packs.
    -Rice Krispy Squares
    -Granola Bars
    -Oatmeal Packs

  • At our community dinners, along with our lead cook, we need people to help prepare food, set tables, serve food, wash dishes, and clean up.

  • The Faith in Action team serves people in our community in practical ways to show those around us the love and compassion of God in physical, practical ways. Examples of this are yard cleanup, stacking wood, delivering groceries, etc.

  • Running overhead slides, ensuring live stream is running smoothly, and monitoring sound system.

  • We periodically have a ladies' or co-ed choir for various special events. If you would like to take part in an upcoming choir, please talk with Jennifer.

    Worship teams lead us in singing on Sunday morning. We would specifically love to have a bass player!

  • We will often provide care baskets for families with newborns. If you would like to donate items for this, please talk with Bev MacGregor.

  • The social team helps prep and serve in the kitchen during our Friends and Food time on Sundays and other special events.