A Prayer for Remembering God's Goodness

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!

Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8)

These are uncertain times. You see our fears, and it does seem as though there is much that is not good in our world right now, even our part of the world. COVID-19 is changing our lives. And yet, You are good. As You see each of our situations and struggles, You watch over us, You faithfully love us, You care about our good, and You know even better than we do what that is. Show us Your goodness, Lord. Help us to taste and to see it, to experience for ourselves that You are good. Help us to see glimpses of your goodness in each of our days. Help us to see Your goodness in the cross, where Jesus died in our place, giving His life for ours, bringing us salvation and new life and the sure hope that, no matter what we face here, eternity awaits us, where there will be no more sorrow or suffering or death or coronavirus, but You will make all things new.

Seeing You as good, we take refuge in You. We run to You as our safe place in this world of danger. We rest in You. You are sovereign over this crazy world, in control, even if it seems to be spiralling out of it. We may feel weak and wonder how we’ll face the coming days; You are our strength and know what the future holds, and will continue to be faithfully good, and good to us as we trust in You.

We look to You.

In Jesus’ precious name we pray, 


The ever-changing situation regarding COVID-19 is an opportunity for us as a church family here at Kingsboro Baptist and South Lake Christian Churches to pray for our community, our province, and our world. I would ask that you commit to do so every day.

Suggestions of what to pray for:

-That God would stop the spread of COVID-19.
-For those who feel scared or nervous. 
-For those who experience loneliness in isolation, especially singles and shut-ins.
-For those who are afraid to leave their homes.
-For those who are returning or who have yet to return home from abroad. 
-For those who have contracted COVID-19 or suffer from other serious illness.
-For the loved ones of those affected. 
-For those with sick and weakened immune systems who live in fear of contracting COVID-19
-For families at home with young children.
-For foster parents who have taken in at-risk kids and resources are now more limited. 
-For kids for whom school is the refuge from abuse at home. 
-For university and college students who face uncertainties in their studies. 
-For those who are experiencing a loss of wage(s).
-For people who fear losing or who have already lost their jobs. 
-For those who are in need of supplies. 
-For addicts who depend on meetings for recovery. 
-For those who experience homesickness and cannot travel. 
-For those who are afraid to leave their homes. 
-For the health, rest, and wisdom of health care workers. 
-For janitorial staff who are working to keep our hospitals and public places clean and safe. 
-For our leaders in government and health departments as they seek to wisely handle the COVID-19 situation. 
-That we would have wisdom about how best to handle all things related to COVID-19.