Pray With Me for the COVID-19 Situation

The coronavirus has reached our little part of the world. The situation continues to develop rapidly, and we have quickly entered uncharted territory. While there is much cause for concern, we also remember that we have a God who is mighty, who faithfully loves us, and who invites us to seek Him with our every need. 

We are reminded in Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

With that in mind, I ask that you commit to pray from your home, or wherever you may be, for 15 minutes each day, for the situation surrounding COVID-19. If at all possible, do so at 8:30 am. As well, each weekday, I will post a brief Scripture and thought for us to consider and pray through. Together, we look to King Jesus in the face of this present challenge. 

Pastor Alec

Suggestions of what to pray for:

-That God would stop the spread of COVID-19.
-For those who feel scared or nervous. 
-For those who experience loneliness in isolation, especially singles and shut-ins.
-For those who are afraid to leave their homes.
-For those who are returning or who have yet to return home from abroad. 
-For those who have contracted COVID-19 or suffer from other serious illness.
-For the loved ones of those affected. 
-For those with sick and weakened immune systems who live in fear of contracting COVID-19
-For families at home with young children.
-For foster parents who have taken in at-risk kids and resources are now more limited. 
-For kids for whom school is the refuge from abuse at home. 
-For university and college students who face uncertainties in their studies. 
-For those who are experiencing a loss of wage(s).
-For people who fear losing or who have already lost their jobs. 
-For those who are in need of supplies. 
-For addicts who depend on meetings for recovery. 
-For those who experience homesickness and cannot travel. 
-For those who are afraid to leave their homes. 
-For the health, rest, and wisdom of health care workers. 
-For janitorial staff who are working to keep our hospitals and public places clean and safe. 
-For our leaders in government and health departments as they seek to wisely handle the COVID-19 situation. 
-That we would have wisdom about how best to handle all things related to COVID-19.