A Prayer for God's Love in Tragedy

Come, Lord Jesus.

Acts of violence and mass shootings. Here in the Maritimes, in our part of the world, this hits close to home. A community on stretch of country road I traveled many times on the way to my high school home, to a highway many of us in our part of the world may have traveled on the way to Halifax, the 100+ km crime scene. Shock, sadness, searching for answers.

Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart;
there is no fear of God before his eyes.

He plots trouble while on his bed;
he sets himself in a way that is not good;
he does not reject evil. (Psalm 36:1, 4).

Come, Lord Jesus.

We are reminded this day of the brokenness of this world. And especially, today, when people do what is utterly evil. How can someone take life so willingly? Lord, we grieve the depravity of the human heart, whatever circumstances would lead someone to do this, and especially, we mourn the loss of so many lives, each life so precious, such a loss to their community, their family. We hurt with them.

Come, Lord Jesus,

And bring an end to evil in our world.

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
Your faithfulness to the clouds.

How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
The children of mankind take refuge
in the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 36:5,7

Come, Lord Jesus.

We see the evil in a person’s heart, we are angered at it and we grieve the results. How Long, O Lord? And yet, as we turn our eyes up from looking at it to cry out to You, we see Your steadfast love. You, the mighty God, are still with us, still love us, and will love us through times like this. You are faithful. You will not leave or forsake, even in tragedy. Lord, cover us in the shelter of Your wings. Be our hiding place, our safe place, our help in weakness and sleepless nights and hurting hearts.

We need You.

Lord, we pray for each family that has lost a loved one in this tragedy. Comfort them, strengthen them, give them rest, give them peace. Lord Jesus, You wept at loss as each one today does, and so You understand.

Lord, we pray for the RCMP, losing one of their own, continuing the investigation in these coming days. Give wisdom, strength, help.

Lord, we pray for the communities affected, as they are involved in the investigation, in the healing process. Bring them together, and give them the hope of the Gospel.

Lord, shine Your light into the darkness in our part of the world in these days.

Lord, remind us all of Your faithful love and Your presence with us each moment.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come.